Make a Donation

How to support the Galion Community Foundation

The Foundation can assist you in making a contribution. Be sure to check with your individual tax advisor. Tax deductible (up to IRS limits) contributions may be made in a variety of ways:

  • Charitible Remainder Trust.
  • Outright gift or pledge, given individually or by will or trust.
  • Gift of securities, real estate, or other property.
  • Gift in memory of deceased friend or relative.
  • Gift in honor of someone’s birthday or just in honor of someone.
  • Gift of life insurance with GCF as beneficiary.
  • Gift of assets of a private foundation to GCF.
  • Funds, securities, real estate, or other property placed in trust with control of income by donor or spouse during life, with remainder to the Foundation.
  • Designated gift – a donor may select the purpose or organization to benefit from the invested funds, as long as the proposed recipient falls within the legal guidelines of GCF.
  • Many other ways too numerous to mention.

GCF distributes grant money to the Sara Beegle Day Care Center

However you choose to give, you can be sure that your generosity will be contributing to the progress and enhancement of life in our area. Your gift will be administered in a way that will be of the most benefit. A telephone call to the Galion Community Foundation will start the Foundation helping you to help others in your community. And finally, you can help others by promoting the Galion Community Foundation in discussions with your friends, relatives, and co-workers.

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